Shake The Dust

Shake The Dust
by Anis Mojgani

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Kelsey Reviews

Mathias Svalina:

Beginning of review:
"Kelsey produces a kind of knowledge that develops multiplicities through matrices of meaning rather than a monument built on unshakable blocks."

End of review:
"It is this feeling of assured solidity that ultimately is a part of our experience."

From Rebekah Sankey:

And there are times as readers where we're left in flight without a landing point to dream of. But Kelsey walks the line of lyric with intelligent senses and a tongue so sharp it is ultimately persuasive.

I found the reviews to be helpful and enjoyable in my continuing thoughts about "Knowldge, Forms, The Aviary." Svalina's first point about the development of "multiplicities through matrices of meaning" and Sankey's feeling of "being left in flight without a landing point" more relevant to my experience with the collection. And I enjoyed it for those reasons. I found Svalina's final point about "assured solidity" too hopeful in a reading of Kelsey's collection. I don't think that this "assured solidity" should be expected when embarking on "Knowledge, Forms, The Aviary."

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